Tài liệu mới nhất

“Media, Society, Culture and You An Introductory Mass Communication Text”

Turkey-Iran Relations after the JDP

Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam

Building Democracy for All: Interactive Explorations of Government and Civic Life

The Infrastructure Finance Challenge

Project Management

Digital Transformation: Understanding Business Goals, Risks, Processes, and Decisions

Music in Evolution and Evolution in Music

Chance Encounters – A Bioethics for a Damaged Planet

The Atheist’s Bible Diderot’s ‘Éléments de physiologie’

Towards an Ethics of Autism A Philosophical Exploration

Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-Industry Collaboration

Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives

Sovereign Debt Sustainability: Multilateral Debt Treatment and the Credit Rating Impasse

Urban Politics of Human Rights

Climate Neutral and Resilient Farming Systems: Practical Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation

Injustice in Urban Sustainability: Ten Core Drivers

Capitalisms and Democracies: Can Growth and Equality be Reconciled?

Biosecurity, Economic Collapse, the State to Come: Political Power in the Pandemic and Beyond

Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations

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