Tài liệu mới nhất

Giáo dục và Khoa học mở: Cẩm nang dành cho Giảng viên và Nhà nghiên cứu

“Media, Society, Culture and You An Introductory Mass Communication Text”

Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria

Welcome to Mitchell’s Plain

All about the Rites

Movements in Ethiopia, Ethiopia in Movement. Volume 1

Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies

Math in Society: Mathematics for liberal arts majors

Elementary Calculus

Measure, Integration & Real Analysis

Optimal, Integral, Likely Optimization, Integral Calculus, and Probability for Students of Commerce and the Social Sciences

Intermediate Statistics with R

Modeling, Functions, and Graphs

Euclid’s Elements Redux

Mostly Harmless Statistics


Elementary Algebra

Intermediate Algebra

Evidence-based Software Engineering

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students

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