Tài liệu mới nhất

Turkey-Iran Relations after the JDP

Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria

Welcome to Mitchell’s Plain

All about the Rites

Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies

Knowledge and the Norm of Assertion An Essay in Philosophical Science

Denis Diderot ‘Rameau’s Nephew’ – ‘Le Neveu de Rameau’ A Multi-Media Bilingual Edition 2nd Edition

Building Democracy for All: Interactive Explorations of Government and Civic Life

The Infrastructure Finance Challenge

Project Management

Digital Transformation: Understanding Business Goals, Risks, Processes, and Decisions

Music in Evolution and Evolution in Music

Tolerance – The Beacon of the Enlightenment

Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-Industry Collaboration

Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives

Sovereign Debt Sustainability: Multilateral Debt Treatment and the Credit Rating Impasse

Climate Neutral and Resilient Farming Systems: Practical Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation

Injustice in Urban Sustainability: Ten Core Drivers

Capitalisms and Democracies: Can Growth and Equality be Reconciled?

Global Political Leadership: In Search of Synergy

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