Tài liệu mới nhất

“Media, Society, Culture and You An Introductory Mass Communication Text”

Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria

Welcome to Mitchell’s Plain

All about the Rites

Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies

Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Times of Stephen Graham

Mr. Emerson’s Revolution

Knowledge and the Norm of Assertion An Essay in Philosophical Science

Intersections of Open Educational Resources and Information Literacy

Foundations for Moral Relativism Second Expanded Edition

Beyond Price Essays on Birth and Death

Basic Knowledge and Conditions on Knowledge

Human and Machine Consciousness

Europa im Geisterkrieg. Studien zu Nietzsche

Forms of Life and Subjectivity: Rethinking Sartre’s Philosophy

Performing Deception – Learning, Skill and the Art of Conjuring

Music in Evolution and Evolution in Music

Mind Your Writing

Developing Writers in Higher Education: A Longitudinal Study

Developing and Assessing Academic and Professional Writing Skills

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